
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Trigadyam by Sri Bhagawath Ramanuja


Please select the appropriate link to listen to that Gadyam. The link has an attached video with chanting of corresponding Gadyam . The chanting starts with Ashtaksaram, Dwayam and Charma Slokam follwed by chosen Gadyam which then is followed with  "Kayena Vacha" and "Yadkshara Pada".

Sriranga Gadyam

Sri Vaikunta Gadyam

Sharanagathi Gadyam by Sri Bhagawath Ramanuja

Sharanagathi Gadyam -Sri Bhagawath Ramanuja

One of the great qualities of an Acharya is just not to teach but lead the way by practicing his teachings. Bhagawat Sri Ramanuja excelled in it. He composed  Gadya Thrayam consisting of Sharanagathi Gadyam, Sri Ranga Gadyam and Sri Vaigunda Gadyam and sang it in front of Nam Perumal and Peria Piratti on Panguni uthiram day, the only day Piran and Piratti give darshan together in Serthi festival every year. Sri Ramanuja explains the approach to Saranagathi through Gadya Thrayam.

The 66th sloka of 18th Chapter of Bhagavad Gita is Charma Sloka which Lord Krishna teaches Arjuna.

Sarvadharman Parityajya Mam Ekam Saranam Vraja |
Aham tva Sarva Papebhyo Mokshayishyami Masuchaha ||

Lord Krishna advises that giving up all the means (Upayams) to obtain Moksha, treating Lord Krishna as the only means and surrender to Him. Then Lord Krishna would release the surrendered from all sins.

Sri Ramanuja explains the process of surrender through Gadya Thrayam.

Sharanagathi Gadyam consists of three parts. In the first part, Sri Ramanuja surrenders to Peria Piratti. In the scond part, Sri Rananayaki fully satisfied with Sri Ramanuja's total surrender, blesses him with success in his surrender to Nam Perumal. In the third part, Sri Ramanuja Surrenders to Nam Perumal. Satisfied with Sri Ramanuaja's unqualified total surrender of Sri Ramanuja, Nam Perumal repeats whatever Sri Ramanuja had earlier as confirmation of His acceptance.

The attached video presentation is a chanting of Sharanagathi Gadyam. Ashtaksharam, Dwayam and Charma Slokam precede chanting of Sharanagathi  Gadyam followed by "Kayena Vacha" and "Yadkshara Pada".

Sri Vaikunta Gadyam

                                Sri Vaikunta Gadyam

One of the great qualities of an Acharya is just not to teach but lead the way by practicing his teachings. Bhagawat Sri Ramanuja excelled in it. He composed  Gadya Thrayam consisting of Sharanagathi Gadyam, Sri Ranga Gadyam and Sri Vaigunda Gadyam and sang it in front of Nam Perumal and Peria Piratti on Panguni uthiram day, the only day Piran and Piratti give darshan together in Serthi festival every year. Sri Ramanuja explains the approach to Saranagathi through Gadya Thrayam.

The 66th sloka of 18th Chapter of Bhagavad Gita is Charma Sloka which Lord Krishna teaches Arjuna.

Sarvadharman Parityajya Mam Ekam Saranam Vraja |
Aham tva Sarva Papebhyo Mokshayishyami Masuchaha ||

Lord Krishna advises that giving up all the means (Upayams) to obtain Moksha, treating Lord Krishna as the only means and surrender to Him. Then Lord Krishna would release the surrendered from all sins.

Sri Ramanuja explains the process of surrender through Gadya Thrayam.

After Shranagathi Gadyam was presented by Sri Ramanuja, Sri Ranganatha was so happy that he enables Sri Ramanuaja to visualize Parama Padam. In Sri Vaikunta Gadyam, Sri Ramanuja describes Sriman Narayana with Divya Thamapathis, Nithya Suris and its beautiful surroundings. Sri Ramanuaja narrates the Paramapadam scenario along with gunas of Para Vasudeva.

The attached video presentation is a chanting of Sri Vaikunta Gadyam.

Ashtaksaram, Dwayam and Charma Slokam precede chanting of Sri Vaikunta Gadyam followed by "Kayena Vacha" and "Yadkshara Pada".