
Friday, April 5, 2013

Sri Chatu Sloki

Sri Chatu Sloki

Yamunacharya composed Chatu Sloki also know as Kantha Stotram praising the virues of Goddess Mahalakshmi. Yamunacahrya was first Acharya to compose a  stotram for Sri (Mahalakshmi), consort of Srimann Narayana and the most compassionate herself and also very considerate to Jeevatma. This sloka has four stanzas only.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Yathiraja Vimsathi

Yathiraja Vimsathi

Yathiraja vimsathi is a stotra Grantham composed by Sri Manavala Mamunigal on the glories of Bhagavat Sri Ramanuja. Vimsathi indicates it contains 20 verses. Yatiraja Vimasthi, earned the name Yathindra Pravanar for Sri Manavala Mamunigal from his Acharya Sri. Thiruvaaimozhi Pilai. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Thiruvezhukurrirukkai By Thirumangai Azhwar

Chithirai month of Vijaya Varudam is fast approaching. "சித்திரைத்  தேர்", the Temple car
festival is common is most temples across Tamil Nadu wherever the annal Brahmothavams are held.
Chithrai Car festival is also held at Sri Saranagapani Temple, Thirukudanthai. But I am
referring to a different Temple car constructed by Thirumangai Azhwar for Sarangapani Perumal.
This is Thiruvezhukurrirukkai prabhandham composed in நிலைமண்டில ஆசிரியப்பா style.
Every line will have four சீர். This prabahndham has 46 lines. BTW Thirumangai Azhwar served
Lord Sarangapani by constructing a Physical Temple car too.


PS: I enjoyed reading an excellent article by Oppiliappan Koil Sri.VaradAchAri Sadagopan on the subject at

Full version in Santhai style 


Monday, April 1, 2013

Thirukkudanthai and Nammazhwar's Thiruvaaimozhi 5.8 Thirumozhi "ஆரா அமுதே! அடியேன் உடலம்"

  Nammazhwar's Thiruvaaimozhi 5.8 Thirumozhi   ஆரா அமுதே! அடியேன் உடலம்

Nammazhwar has sung 11 pasurams in praise of Thirukudanthai Aravamudan another name for Sri Sarangapani Perumal. It won't  be out of place to give credit to Thirukudanthai Aravamudan to jump start the process of retrieving lost possession of Dravida Veda Sagaram. Sri Nathamunigal heard the 11 Pasurams of Thirvaaimozhi thirumozi (5.8) starting with "ஆரா அமுதே! அடியேன் உடலம்" at this temple.

Sri. Nathamungal was so moved by the beautiful words and the meanings of these 11 pasurams and the devotional aspect attached to it. It only increased the curiosity of Sri Nathamuni to know more about its author and intensity to learn about the reminder of the 1000 pasurams. It is a well known fact that led him to Thikurugur and the recovery of Divya Prabhandham through Sri Nammalwar by reciting Kanninun
Siruthambu 12000 times.

Would it be wrong to conclude that it is the thiruvilayadal and grace of Thirukudanthai  Arvamudan to the His Bakthas by enticing Sri Nathaminigal and creating a ruchi (ருசி) in Sri Nathaminigal for Divya Prabhandam and there by kicking off, the process leading to the discovery and reorganization of Divya Prabhandham. No doubt this thirumozhi 5.8 of Thiruvaaimaozhi by Sri Nammazhwar is very significant in the entire Dravida Veda Sagaram