
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Amalanathi Piran by Sri Thiruppanazhwar

அருளிச் செய்த அமலனாதிபிரான் 

One may wonder what Prompted Sri Ranganatha to grant Divya Seva to Thiruppanazhwar who just sang only ten pasurams as compared to 1102 pasurams of Nammazhwar. While other Azwars focused on the glory of  Sriman Narayan of all his different forms of para, Vyuha, Vibhava, Antaryami and Archa, Thiruppanazhwar focused on the Thirumani of Sri Ranganatha, the Archa and Swayambhu form  of Sriman Narayana.

Thiruppanazhwar was longing to have a darshan of  Sri Ranganatha but was prevented from entering the temple. Due to Sri Ranganatha's thiruvilayadal, Thiruppanazhwar was carried to HIS presence by none other that the chief Archaka of Sri Ranganatha. This unexpected glimpse of Sri Ranganatha made Thiruppanazhwar to pour out his love for the Lord describing HIS thirumeni, part by part in each pasuram in a bhava that touched Sri Ranganatha and gave Thiruppanazhwar his divine darshan.

 Sri Velukkudi Krishnan in his discourse says

" We always bow ourselves at the feet of aazhwaar who has sung the soundaryam of emperumaan's thirumeni in his 10 paasurams explaining his beauty of each part of his thirumeni namely emperumaan's
lotus feet, vasthram, his naabhi, his chest, his kantam (throat) , his lips, his eyes and his entire thirumukha mandalam and entire thirumeni, which gives us the essence of all the four vedaas and that too this divya sevai was given to azhwaar by emperumaan himself to aazhwaar. Hence no matter anyone else would have sung
the praise emperumaan or anybody would have seen emperumaan's  divya sevai but no on ecould have enjoyed emperumaan's divya sevai through emperumaan himself showing it to Thiruppaanaazhwaar.
...................How does these 10 paasurams gives the essence of all the vedams ?

If we look at the first paasuram it starts with "A" or akaaram, the second paasuram starts wth "U" ukaaram and the third paasuram starts with makaaram which leads to describing the Pranavam that describes the nature of Paramaathma who is the akaaram, the Jeevaathmaa who is the makaaram and, Thaayaar or Aachaaryan who is the ukaaram in the Pravam.


Attached video is a presentation of the ten pasurams of Amalanathipiran by Thiruppanzhwar.


1 comment:

  1. Hearing with tears flowing. Your voice has the pathos and the plead. How much you are gifted Swamin. You know everything and you had preserved every small and great detail, for all generations!So grateful and obliged to your dedication, unimaginable!
