
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Periazhwar Celebrates Lord Krishna's birth in "வண்ண மாடங்கள்" Pathigam

Periazhwar Celebrates Lord Krishna's birth in "வண்ண மாடங்கள்" Pathigam

Periazhwar composed, talked and uttered Lord Krrishna's glory in every breath of his Life. Not only he did this but he also raised Kothai Naachiar listening to Sri Krishna's leelas every moment of her childhood. In வண்ண மாடங்கள் Pathigam. Periazhwar narrates the joy of residents of Gokulam on the birth of Lord Krishna.

Periazhwar imagines that Lord Kesavan of Thirukkottiyur is reborn as lord Krishna in Gokulam in Nandagoplan's palace. He goes on to describe how the  residents of Gokulam are enjoying the good news of Lord Krishna's birth. Periazhwar says :

·        The entire lawns of Nanagopala's palace is spilled with Oil and Turmeric powder which the residents of Ayarpadi used to greet each other on this happy occasion of Lord Krishna's birth.

·        The residents of Gokulam were overwhelmed hearing the good news of lord Krishna's birth and were crazy running here and there,  some fell into sludge, some shouted, some sang, Some beat the drums, Some danced, everyone wanted to see the baby Krishna.

·        Residents of Gokulam keep visiting Nanadagopal’s palace to have a glimpse of Baby Krishna and Every one had superlatives while describing the baby Krishna. Some wise people went on to say that the child born with thiruvonam star and destined to rule the world.

·        The revelry continues. They broke pots containing Milk, Ghee and Butter and let it run the foor and streets. Some donated all these materials. Some were losing themselves dancing and letting their hair flow freely. 

·        The Cowherds who carry too joined the celebrations and were seen applying Ghee to their bodies and dancing.

·        Yasodha during the process of giving  bath to Little Krishna with with hot water mixed with turmeric and other medicinal items, she accidentally opens the mouth of Little Krishna and had a vision of the entire Universe, willingly shown to her to to realize His Vibhuthi.

·        Yasodha invites other women of Gokulam to see this miracle and they all agree that Child  Krishna is none other than Parama Purusha Sriman Narayana, who has taken Avatar.

·        Ten days after Lord Krishna was born, the entire Gokulam wore a festive look. Pillars were erected on all four sides. The child was lifted by cowherds from the cradle while singing was going on. They praised  the child Krishna as the one who would save Gokulam from Torrential rains ordered by Indra by lifting the Govardhan Hills with His little fingers.

·        Yasodha shares with women from the neighborhood the playfulness of Krishna. She says that if She leaves him in the cradle, he kicks it. If She keeps in her waist, he tries to slip away and almost braking her hip bones. If she holds him on the chest, he kicks the stomach with his legs. Yasodha says that krishna acts far beyond the capability of children of his age.

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