
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Sri Rama Premashtakam composed by Yamunacharya

Sri Rama Premashtakam 
composed by Yamunacharya

Yamunacharya was the grandson of Sri Nathamuni who got the Nalayora Divya Prabhandham from Nammazhwar by reciting Kanninunsiruthambu 12,000 times. Yamunacharya was the one who spotted Bhagavth Ramanuja to be his disciple and one who would spread Visishtaadwaitham.

Yamunacharya was also known by the name Alavandar. Alavandar's works include Chathusloki , Stotraratnam,Siddhitrayam, Agama Pramanya, Maha Purusha Nirnayam, Gitartha Sangraha, Nityam and Mayavada Khandanam

It is beleived that he also composed Sri Rama Prema ashtakam. 

In this Ashtakam the author keeps repeating that Lord Ramachandra is the one who comes to our rescue and help. May we say he is our SOS, Yamaunacharya describes the Mahima, Karunya, appearance, beauty and Prowess of Lord Sri Ramachandra.


  1. Hearing the Sthothram in your dedicated chanting, is a huge Blessing ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™. Thank you Swamin.
