
Friday, August 15, 2014

Haryashtakam: Power of Two Akshara "Hari" namam

Haryashtakam:  Power of Two Akshara "Hari"

Harer namaiva namaiva namaiva mama Jeevanam

Kalau nasthyeva nasthyeva nasthyeva gathiranyatha II

The above sloka emphasizes that the only way to obtain liberation in Kali yuga is to continuously chant the name of Hari. In the fast moving world, people do not have time to say Astaksharam (OM NA MO NA RA YA NA YA), Prahalada prescribes two Akshara HA RI namam. In his Stotram "Haryashtakam" to Lord Sriman Narayana Prahalada brings out the power of Harinamam when it comes out from the heart and lips of devotees. 

Hari is a Lord with personified with Green hue and it is He who accepts all that is offered in Agni durimg Homams and Yagnams( havir Bhagam) says Parasara Bhattar. 

Prahalada Outlines the Power of hari namam as follows.

Hari Namam in one's lips wipes out sins irrespective of who says it and even without realizing its potential.

Hari Namam in one's lips gets the merit of having taken bath in holy rivers and  visited Pilgrimages such as Ganga, Gaya, Sethu, Kasi and Pushkaram.

Hari Namam in one's lips gives the merit of having performed Maha Yagnams including Aswamedha,

Hari Namam in one's lips confers the merits that accrue from darshans at holy places such as Varanasi,

Kurukshethra and Naimisaranya without having to physically visiting them.

Hari Namam in one's lips makes him ready for leading a good life and prepares him for getting salvation

Hari Namam in one's lips confers the merits that accrue from making mind boggling charities

Hari Namam in one's lips gives good company during one's final journey

Hari Namam in one's lips cures incurable diseases.

Hari Namam in one's lips ensures all sorrows are removed

Two Akshara Hari Nama mantram is most powerful of all manthras' and yet very simple one to chant.

Haryashtaksm chanted daily removes sins of all countless births and leads to liberation from the cycle of birth and death.

Here is a presentation on Haryashtakam by Prahlada

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