
Monday, December 15, 2014

Divya Desam Thiruvinnagaram - DD013 தனக்கு நிகரும் ஒப்புமில்லா ஒப்பிலியப்பனே

          தனக்கு நிகரும் ஒப்புமில்லா  ஒப்பிலியப்பனே

Adiyen had an opportunity to visit Thiruvinnagara Divydesam. Whatever little I learned about the temple, Lord Oppiliappan and history of the temple, are offered in the form of a song. Nammazhwar Pasuram (6.3.9) related to Lord Oppiliappan is also added at the end.

1 comment:

  1. You have sung the whole history of the Kshethram in your very devoted voice. Hugely blessed Swamin. We are also chanting with you.
