
Monday, December 29, 2014

Elle Ilankiliye எல்லே இளங்கிளியே! இன்னம் உறங்குதியோ?

Elle Ilankiliye 
எல்லே இளங்கிளியே! இன்னம் உறங்குதியோ?

In "எல்லே இளங்கிளியே! இன்னம் உறங்குதியோ?" 

pasuram,  Andal has set this in a dialog mode between the Gopika 

still on bed and other Gopikas assembled outside her house trying 

to invite her to join the Nonbu. The assembled Gopikas makes fun 

of the Gopika by inquiring if she is still asleep and pat comes the 

reply asking the Gopikas not to redicule her and that she would 

join soon. 

Assembled Gopikas further harass her saying that they 

know how sincere her are promises, based on past history. This 

Gopika accepts defeat and asks them to proceed and that she 

would join soon.   The Assembled Gopikas asks her to come out 

and see for herself and count who all have assembled. The 

assembled Gopikas invite her join them and sing the glory of Lord 

Sriman Narayana, who destroyed enemoes in war and who 

vanquishes an elephant of Kamsa's army.

In this pasuram, Andal teaches us how to work and treat 

Bhagavathas. Always invite Bhagavathas with a smiling face and 

talk to them sweetly. Focus should be on Bhagavathas and not on 

other mundane matters. Never utter harsh words on Bhagavathas. 

Treat Bhagavathas with respect. Desire to be in the company of 

Bhagavathas and never stay away from them. The criticism by 

Bhagavathas should be accepted with humility, with a view to 

transform oneself. Sing the glory of Lord Sriman Narayana to 

please the Bhagavathas and join them in Namasmarana.

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