
Sunday, January 4, 2015

Ettra Kalangal ஏற்றகலங்கள் எதிர்பொங்கி மீதளிப்ப

Ettra Kalangal 
ஏற்றகலங்கள் எதிர்பொங்கி மீதளிப்ப

Andal continues her  worship of Lord Krishna by heaping prarises on His glory. She describes him as son of Nandagoplan, proud owner of  healthy cows that give copious supply of rich milk such that the vessels used to collect the milk overflows quickly. 

The terms எதிர்பொங்கி மீதளிப்ப and மாற்றாதே பால்சொரியும்  are superlative expressions of the cows that produce without regard to size of the vessel and ready to give milk even if the vessels were filled and overflowing to the ground. Such is the generosity of these cows and termed as வள்ளல் பெரும்பசுக்கள்.  Usage of அறிவுறாய் implies that Andal wants Lord Krishan to know that he is the son of a proud owner such cows. Lord Krisha does not get up dismissing that are many such households having such healthy cows. 

Andal goes to describe him as one whos is very interested in protecting his devotees with the use of the term  ஊற்றமுடையாய்! . Now Andal describes Lord Krishna as பெரியாய்!  and உலகினில் தோற்றமாய் நின்ற சுடரே!  meaning 
Lord Krishna has great qualities than entire the vedas can describe him and as one who stands as the Jyothi that created the entire Universe. 

Finally Andal requests him to get up from the bed and help them conduct the nonbu as Nappinnai has already joined their group. Final weapon that Andal uses in this pasuram is that just as his enemies come and prostrate at his feet, all the Gopikas and herself attracted by His kalyana Gunas, have come to surrender at his feet and request Him to wake up.

With the usage of the the terms "ஊற்றமுடையாய்! பெரியாய்! உலகினில் தோற்றமாய் நின்ற சுடரே!" Andal implies that Lord Krishna is the same Sriman Narayana who makes himself avaible to devotees in the five forms of para, Vuyha, Vibhava, Archa and Antharyami. 

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