
Monday, May 25, 2015

உண்டோ சடகோபர்க்கொப்பொருவர் -1

உண்டோ சடகோபர்க்கொப்பொருவர்- 1

Manavala Mamungal in his immortal Upadesa Rathna malai pays tributes to Nammazhwar.

Manavala Mamanigal says there is no day greater than the the day on which visaka Star falls in  Vaiakasi month. He wonders if there is any one equal to Nammazhwar. He also says there is no literature that parallels  Thiruvoimozhi, composed by nammazhwar. Manavala Mamunigal goes one step further and wonders if there is any town that can match Then Kurugur, the birth place of Nammazhwar.

உண்டோ வைகாசி விசாகத்துக்கு ஒப்பொருநாள்
உண்டோ சடகோபர்க்கு ஒப்போருவர் - உண்டோ
திருவாய்மொழிக்கு ஒப்பு தென்குருகைக்குண்டோ
ஒரு பார் தனில் ஒக்கு மூர்

Why Manavala Mamunigal wonders if there is any one equal to Nammazhwar. It is because of deep Love and Bakathi for Lord Srimana Natayana and his attachment to five forms of Para, Vyuha, Vibhava and Antharyami. 

While he has a good understading of Para, Vyuha and Vibhava Avartas, he focuses on Archa Avatars and Krisha Avatar in his Thiruvoimzhi Divya Prbhandham. He believed in uncondtional surrender and Saranagathi. Since he never stepped out from the Tamrind tree in Thirukrugur temple, It is said that Archavatars from different Divyadesams gave him vision and Darshan at Thirukurugur in the location where he was seated for 32 years.

Let us listen to Nammazhwar's story by a Bhattar from Thirukkurugur temple at the very spot where Nammazhwar sat for 32 years.  Please visit the URL below,

More to come .......

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