
Friday, April 8, 2016

நெஞ்சே தினம் நினைப்போம் இராமானுசன் நாமங்களே (388 days to 1000th Birth Anniversary of Bhagavath Ramanuja) Ramanuja Nootrandhadhi (38 of 108)

நெஞ்சே தினம் நினைப்போம்  
இராமானுசன் நாமங்களே
रामानुजस्य चरणौ शरणं प्रपद्ये 
(388 days to celebrate 1000th year of Bhagavat Ramanuja)

Let us begin our journey towards 1st May 2017, by recalling his life events, teachings, achievements, glory and hsi contribution to Srivaishavam and Visishtadwaitham

8th April 2016 

When any one wants to know about a guru, he needs to be introduced by someone who had greater understanding about his work, teachings, glory etc. We are going to learn about Bhagavath Ramanuja's greatness, divine qualities, His reverence for Acharyas' as well as their works and contributions, His respects for Azhwars and their Arulichyals through Ramanuja Nootrandhadhi composed by Koil Peria Nambi ( Thiruvarangaththamudhanar)

To know about Peria Koil Nambi (Amudhanar) please visit

Let us dwell on the Thirty-Eighth Pasuram of Ramanuja Nootrandhdhi.

In this Pasuram Amudhanar says that Bhagavath Ramanuja, out his infinite compassion, has taken Amudhanar filled with so much ego all these days and made him a devotee of some substance. Amudhanar wonders why Bhagavath Ramanuja let so many years pass by  making him loiter in wilderness and bad company and thoughts. Amudhanar says "Oh Ramanuja you revel and enjoy the company of Koorathazhwan, Parasara Bhattar etc. Please let me know what prevented you from delaying the action of bringing me in to your fold?"

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