
Saturday, December 10, 2016

நெஞ்சே தினம் நினைப்போம் இராமானுசன் நாமங்களே रामानुजस्य चरणौ शरणं प्रपद्ये (138 days to celebrate 1000th year of Bhagavat Ramanuja)

நெஞ்சே தினம் நினைப்போம்  
இராமானுசன் நாமங்களே
रामानुजस्य चरणौ शरणं प्रपद्ये 
(138 days to celebrate 1000th year of Bhagavat Ramanuja)

Let us begin our journey towards 1st May 2017, by recalling his life events, teachings, achievements, glory and his contribution to Srivaishavam and Visishtadwaitham

14th Dec 2016

When any one wants to know about a guru, he needs to be introduced by someone who had greater understanding about his greatness and noble qualities through Sri Tallapaka Annamacharya krithi.

Sri Tallapaka Annamacharya composed over 32,000 

songs on Lord of the Seven Hills, 

Thiruvengamaudaiyan. He took to Ramanuja 

saampradayam, with the blessings of Sri Satagopa 

Yateendra Maha Desikan of the Ahobila Mutt 

who performed his Samasrayanam. Sri Ramanuja's

Visishthdwaitha principles, Artha Panchaka 

tatvams are well embedded in his compositions. Sri

Annamacharya had great reverence and respect for

Bhagavath Sri Raamanuja and composed two 

follwing compositions on the greatness Of Sri

Ramanuja and service that he rendered for the

upliftment of Srivaishavism and its followers.

1) Unnthonnadu Udayavaru
2) Gatulanni Kilamaina Kaliyuga Mamadunu   

In this posting we will discuss and Listen to krithi

 "Unnthonnadu Udayavaru". Sri Annamacahrya 

prefers  to use the the Tiltle Udayar for Sri Ramanuja

 in this composition , as that title was conferred by

 Namperumal Himself. Sri Annamacahrya goes on to

 laud the greatness of Bhagavath Sri Ramanuja and

 he addesses him as Udayavaru and considers him as

 the noblest of the noble. Annamacharya says that

 Udayavar was an expert in all sastras and scriptures 

in all the worlds and took efforts to absorb them and

 and made it available to through his writings 

.  Annamacharya says Udayavar  comprehended

 veda,upanishad and Brahmma Sutra etc. and being

 an able administrator ensures the rules and

 regulations follow the scriptures for Temple

 administration and Nithya Kaikaryams.

  Annamacharya also says that Sri Ramanuja was 

classic example for Vishnu devotee and un paralleled

 Bakthi towards him.  Annamacharya says that

 Udayavar is supreme Acharya by virtue of his

 knowlwdge. Annamacharya considers him as

 equivalent to lord Venkateswara on earth as he is

 vested with Powers to confer moksha.

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