
Friday, December 16, 2016

Managalasasam of Ashtabhuyakara Perumal - Thirumangai and Peyazhwar

Glory of Ashtabhuyakara Perumal - Thirumangai, Peyazhwar

In the ten pasurams of Peria Thirumozhi 2.8, Thirumangai Azhwar pays glowing tributes to the moolavar with eight hands(Attabuyakarn) each one wielding a weapon and ever ready to help his devotees. In each pasuram Thirumangai Azhwar visualaizes the various feats of Lord Sriman Narayana in the Lord in front of him abd asks who is standing infront of him in that visaul form and and the Lord quips "I am the resident of the Thiru Attabuyakaram Divya Desam"

In the first pasuram, Thirumangai Azhwar wonders if the Lord in front of him was Nrisimha with raised hair and sharp teeth taering the chest of Hiranya as Shiva, who burnt the Tripura and Brahma seated on the lotus were wonder struck, devotees in all three worlds chanting his names reverberating noise like ocean generating waves.

In the second pasuram, Thirumangai Azhwar wonders if the Lord in front of him, surrounded by veda Gosham of Devas, appearing to be powerful and victorious Rama or may be Lord othe seven Hills worshippred by Mudhal Azhwars or perhaps the little Vamana who stood in Mahabali yaga and later grew into Thrivikrama and measured upper and lower worlds with two feet.

In the third pasuram, Thirumangai Azhwar wonders who is standing in front of him wielding Wheel, Sword, Flower and Arrow on four right hands, Conch, Bow, Kedayam and Mace on left four hands and appearing to have plucked the tusk of the mighty elephant of Kamsa's court and with a color resembling  black hued cloud. 

In the fourth pasuram, Thirumangai Azhwar wonders  if the Lord in front of him was Gokula Krishnan, who protected the poeple and cattle of Ayarpadi with a mountain as umbrella and frightented the elephants of Kamsa's court.

In the fifth pasuram, Thirumangai Azhwar wonders  if the Lord in front of him was the one who gave the Vedas, scriptures, grammar, ltihasas, kalpasutras etc.. out of grace to the world  and the one with strong arms that bear the conch and discus, one with a gem and Lakshmi radiant on chest and a color of the body resembling dark hue of the deep ocean.

In the sixth pasuram, Thirumangai Azhwar finds it difficut to comprehend who is standing in front of him adorned with jewels usually worn by women and with flowers such as Puvai, Kaya and blue/black Lilium flower and resembling dark clouds

In the seventh pasuram, Thirumangai Azhwar lost in the beauty of the Lord with basil(Tulasi) garland bees hovering around, sandal paste smeared all over the body, Lotus like eyes, beautiful chest, arms and mouth. The whole appearance resembled a well crafted painting.

In the eighth pasuram, Thirumangai Azhwar could not figure out the personality standing in front of him.  He is surrounded by Nithyasuris chanting veda. Lakshmi is seated by him. He is seen with conch on his left hand and chakra(disc) on his right hand. Coming to think of his color it resembles deep ocean blue or blue water Lillies.

In the nineth pasuram, Thirumangai Azhwar probabaly in Nayaki Bhava says " who this person could be and wonders if he would protect or destroy me. My bangles and heart were with him. He is gazing at my waist with a intent to steal whatever is left behind. His glance looks like fire that would engulf me"

In the tenth pasuram, Thirumangai Azhwar says that the Lord of Thiru Attabuyakaram with a long garland and resident of Thiru Attabuyakaram Divyya desam, located in Kanchi  was worshiped by Vairamegan, the Thondai Mandala King. Whoever chants this garland of ten pasurams composed by Kalian alias Thirumangai King would find a place in Vaikundam

In second Thiruvandhadhi, Peyazhwar pays glowing tribute through ninth pasuram of tenth Thirumozhi to the Lord of Thiru Ataabhuakara Divya Desam. Peyazhwar says that  Thiru Attabuyakar Perumal with eight hands wielding victorious weapons is the only and sole refuge. Attabuyakaraththan hols the same discuss the used to save the elephant from a crocodile, when the elephant called out as "Athi Moolame!!"

Please click on the video to see it.

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