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Saturday, August 16, 2014
Friday, August 15, 2014
Haryashtakam: Power of Two Akshara "Hari" namam
Haryashtakam: Power of Two Akshara "Hari"
Harer namaiva namaiva namaiva mama Jeevanam
Kalau nasthyeva nasthyeva nasthyeva gathiranyatha II
The above sloka emphasizes that the only way to obtain liberation in Kali yuga is to continuously chant the name of Hari. In the fast moving world, people do not have time to say Astaksharam (OM NA MO NA RA YA NA YA), Prahalada prescribes two Akshara HA RI namam. In his Stotram "Haryashtakam" to Lord Sriman Narayana Prahalada brings out the power of Harinamam when it comes out from the heart and lips of devotees.
Hari is a Lord with personified with Green hue and it is He who accepts all that is offered in Agni durimg Homams and Yagnams( havir Bhagam) says Parasara Bhattar.
Prahalada Outlines the Power of hari namam as follows.
Hari Namam in one's lips wipes out sins irrespective of who says it and even without realizing its potential.
Hari Namam in one's lips gets the merit of having taken bath in holy rivers and visited Pilgrimages such as Ganga, Gaya, Sethu, Kasi and Pushkaram.
Hari Namam in one's lips gives the merit of having performed Maha Yagnams including Aswamedha,
Hari Namam in one's lips confers the merits that accrue from darshans at holy places such as Varanasi,
Kurukshethra and Naimisaranya without having to physically visiting them.
Hari Namam in one's lips makes him ready for leading a good life and prepares him for getting salvation
Hari Namam in one's lips confers the merits that accrue from making mind boggling charities
Hari Namam in one's lips gives good company during one's final journey
Hari Namam in one's lips cures incurable diseases.
Hari Namam in one's lips ensures all sorrows are removed
Two Akshara Hari Nama mantram is most powerful of all manthras' and yet very simple one to chant.
Haryashtaksm chanted daily removes sins of all countless births and leads to liberation from the cycle of birth and death.
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Adhyayana Utsavam Begins with Thirunedunthandagam
Adhyayana Utsavam Begins with Thirunedunthandagam
In the entire Nalayira Divya Prabhandham, if there is one thirumozhi (10 Pasurams) that packs Manthra Thrayam, Artha Pachagam, worship the five forms of Sriman Narayana, it is Thirunedunthandagam composed by Parakalan alias Thirumnagai Azhwar. No wonder Sri Parasara Bhattar used this as waepon to win over Sri Madhavachariar in Melkote and bring his as sishya Nanjiyar. Lord Ranganatha was quite impressed not only with Parasara's debating skills but also with the Thiruneduthandagam Pasuram, he blesssed Thirunedunthandagam to be the first Prabhandham to be chanted to start the Proceedings of Adhyayana Utsavam. It is no concidence that Prabhantham started with Mudhal Thiruvandhadhi pasuram"வையம் தகளியா வார்கடலே நெய்யாக" by Poigai Azhwar in Thirukovilur Thrivikram Sannathi but also ends with Thirunedunthandagam pasuram "மின்னுமா மழைதவழும் மேக வண்ணா விண்ணவர்தம் பெருமானே அருளாய்" Just penned a few thoughts on Thirunedunthangam based on a discouses on Thirunedunthandagam by Sri Velukkudi Krishnan.

In the entire Nalayira Divya Prabhandham, if there is one thirumozhi (10 Pasurams) that packs Manthra Thrayam, Artha Pachagam, worship the five forms of Sriman Narayana, it is Thirunedunthandagam composed by Parakalan alias Thirumnagai Azhwar. No wonder Sri Parasara Bhattar used this as waepon to win over Sri Madhavachariar in Melkote and bring his as sishya Nanjiyar. Lord Ranganatha was quite impressed not only with Parasara's debating skills but also with the Thiruneduthandagam Pasuram, he blesssed Thirunedunthandagam to be the first Prabhandham to be chanted to start the Proceedings of Adhyayana Utsavam. It is no concidence that Prabhantham started with Mudhal Thiruvandhadhi pasuram"வையம் தகளியா வார்கடலே நெய்யாக" by Poigai Azhwar in Thirukovilur Thrivikram Sannathi but also ends with Thirunedunthandagam pasuram "மின்னுமா மழைதவழும் மேக வண்ணா விண்ணவர்தம் பெருமானே அருளாய்" Just penned a few thoughts on Thirunedunthangam based on a discouses on Thirunedunthandagam by Sri Velukkudi Krishnan.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Bhashyakara Prapatti
Bhashyakara Prapatti
This is stotra offering Prapatti (Surrender) to Bhagavath Ramanuja also called as Sri. Bhashyakara.
In this stotram, Praptti is offered to Bhashyakara ( Bhagavath Ramanuja), who was always under divine grace of Kanchi Varadaraja, Under full compassion of Lord Ranganatha Of Srirangam, An avatar of Adhisesha and a very dear one to Thiruvengadamudayan. Bhashyakar was always seen with kasahaya robe, with Urdva Pundram ( Thiruman in 12 locations n the body) and Tri thandam.
Sri Bhasyakara is also addressed in this Stotram as
- श्रीशङ्घ्रि पद्म मकरन्द रसज्ञ भृङ्ग
- तुर्याश्रम प्रथित मौनिकुल प्रदीप torch bearer for all those yogi and Muni
- सर्वज्ञ all -knowing
- भव्य - gracious
- यतिशेखर chief of all yogi
- सार्वभौमा Leader of everything and every one
- सुदर्सन Handsome
- वीतराग endowed with subdued passions
- वकुलाभिराम पादारविन्द attached to lotus feet of Kurugur Satkopan
- सारसाक्ष a rare gem
- दण्डत्रयोज्ज्वल wielder of Dhandam which has three sticks tied together
. - करोल्लसितोध्वपुण्ड्र Shining with Srivaishanava Marks ( Thiruman Kappu) at 12 locations on the body
Monday, August 11, 2014
Kattu Mannar Kovil
Kattu Mannar Kovil
We all witnessed the celebration of Thirunakshathrams of
two crown Jewels( Nathamunigal and Alavandar) of
Srivaishavism born in the same village and brought up
blessed by the Lord of the Kattu Mannar Kovil. This is is the
Lord who prompted and acted as the catalyst for Nathamuni
to trace the Origin of Divya Prabhandham and get it from
the very source namely Nammazhwar. Veera Narayana
Perumal acted as the light house for the revival of Divya
Prabhandham but Nathamunigal and Alavandhar were just
his instruments. Here is my scribbling on that Vazhi Kattiya
Kattu Mannar Lord
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Hayagriva Jayanthi August 10th , 2014
Hayagriva Jayanthi August 10th , 2014
Every Avatar of Sriman Narayana had a specfic purpose. Hayagriva (The Horse Faced God) had the sole purose of restoration of Vedas which was stolen by an Asura Madhu and Kitaba from Brahma. Hayagriva is considered to sagara of Gyana. There is famous sloka of Hayagriva, which says I worship Lord Hayagriva, who is embodiment of knowledge, who is pure as a pure crystal, and who is the basis of all knowledge. It is this Gnana sagara that holds Brahmma and Goddess Saraswathi. Sriman Narayana clad in blue with a human form and with a horse head(White) descended on earth to retrieve vedas from the Auras.
Gnanananda Mayam Devam Nirmala Spatika Kruthim Aadharam Sarva Vidyanam Hayagrivam Upasmahe
This sloka is from Purana, is used by Sri Deskan in his beautiful Hayagriva stotram. It is said that Peria Thiruvadi, Sri Garuda initiated Sri Vedantha Desikan into Haygriva Mantra. Sri Vedantha Desikan's Sanskrit poetry , style , rhyming are a clear evidence to the grace of Lord Haygriva.
Here is presentation of following slokas/ Stotrams/ Upanishad on lord Haygriva on the occasion of haygriva Jayatnthi. May Lord Hayagriva shower his grace on all.
Please click on respective stotram to see the video.
Haygriva StotramHayagriva Stotram By Sri Vedhantha Desikan Composed by Sri Vedantha Desikan
Hayagriva Stuti : Composed by Sri vadhiraja Jyathi
Sri Hayagriva Pancharam :
Sri HayaGriva Ashtothra satha Nama Stotram: Found in Parasara Puranam as part of Agasthya Narada Discussions
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