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Showing posts with label Guru paramparai. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Guru paramparai. Show all posts

Friday, June 5, 2020

Parasara Bhattar Vaikasi Anusham

Parasara Bhattar Vaikasi Anusham 

Sri parasara Bhattar was the son of Koorthazhwan and a great Disciple of Bhagavath Ramanuja and a Srivaishanav Leader after Ramanauja's time. Parasara Bhattar was a brilliant scholar and also the foster son of Sriranaga Nachiar. Parasara Bhattar has a number of works to his credit. He was well versed in Thiruvoimozhi and he used Thirumangaia Azhwars' Thirunedunthandagam to to defeat and attract Nanjeer as his disciple.

His works include

Ashtasloki. eight verses focusing on Rahasya Thrayam 
Kriyadipa.  describes the daily religious duties of Srivaishnavas 
Bhagavad gunadarpana.  Commentary on Vishnu Sahasranama 
Sri Gunaratnakosha. Stothram on Sriranganayaki Nachiar
Sri Ranganatha Stotra.  Sloka of s verses on Lord Ranganatah, l
Sri Rangarajastava. Comprises of Purvasataka. (127 slokas) glorifying Lord Ranganatha and Uttarasataka(105 verses) enlisting deficiencies in the philosophies of advaita, buddhist and Jainese. 
Tirumanjana Kavi. Recited in Srirangam Temple during importanat events

Kaisikamahatmya: Commentary on Kaisikapurana and Lord Varaha.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Yatiraja Vaibhavam composed by Sri Vaduga Nambi

Yatiraja Vaibhavam by Vaduga Nambi

Vaduga Nambi was a disciple of Bhagavat Ramanuja from the time of Melkote days of Bhagavth Ramanuja.  He had unflinching faith in Bhagavath Ramanuja. He composed Yatiraja Vaibhavam which is an authentic biography of Bhagavath Ramanuja. 

Click on link below to listen

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

நெஞ்சே தினம் நினைப்போà®®் இராà®®ானுசன் நாமங்களே (433 days) Bhagavat Ramanuja's Gurukkal

நெஞ்சே தினம் நினைப்போà®®்  
இராà®®ானுசன் நாமங்களே
रामानुजस्य चरणौ शरणं प्रपद्ये 
(433 days to celebrate 1000th year of Bhagavat Ramanuja)

Let us begin our journey towards 1st May 2017, by recalling his life events, teachings, achievements, glory and hsi contribution to Srivaishavam and Visishtadwaitham

Note : Not sure if the Ramanuja Jayanthi is on 30th April 2017 or ist May 2017. Needs to be verified

23rd Feb 2016

When any one wants to know about a guru, he needs to be introduced by someone who had greater understanding abou his work, teachings, glory etc. This time we learn about the Bhagavath Ramanuja's Gurukkal.

Bhagavth Ramanuja strated his Gurukulam Under Yadava Prakasar. Bhagavth Ramanuja was brilliant and he leant vedic scriptures very fast and he even mastered the maenings. Bhagavth Ramanuja was not able to accept some of the explanations and meanings imparted by the Guru. The difference of opinion between him and the guru grew and Bhagavath Ramanuja became very popular. There was a plot to kill Bhagavth Ramanuja during a trip to Kasi but thanks to help of his cousin and the grace of Lord Vardaraja of Kanchi, Bhagavath Ramauja was saved and was ordained to perform Theertha Kainkaryam for Lord Vardaraja and under the tutelage of Thiukachchi Nambi ( Mahapurnar)

Coming under the fold of great Acharya depends on Purva Punya Palam. Bhagavath Ramanuja had the blessings of Nammazhwar, Nathamuni and Yamunacharya. All the three had a greater role in the fostering of this Jagathacharya. Yamunacharya had selected five Acharya to groom Bhagavath Ramanuja. Why five? The five were hand picked with a specific goal to focus one or two specific topic.  Yamaunacharya had great plans for Bhagavath Ramanuja. Bhagavath Ramanuja never gets to see Yamunacharya live. Yamunacharya's three fingers were folded when Bhagavath Ramanuja came to see the Guru before Anthim Samskar. 

When Bhagavath Ramanuja saw these curled fingers, he was able to grasp the three important tasks the Yamunacharya wanted him to accomplish.The tasks were

  • The names of Parasara and Veda Vyasa, should be commemorated on the earth by giving it to a person worthy to bear it.
  • Organize to get a commentary written on Tiruvaymozhi
  • Compose a commentary on Upanishads, Vedanta Sutras and Bhagavad Gita 

Once Bhagavath Ramanuja promised to fulfill these wishes of Yamunacharya, the three fingers straightened

Bhagavath Ramanuja accomplished these tasks during his life time.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Nammazhwar's Contribution to Divya Prabhandham

Nammazhwar's Contribution 
Nalayira Divya Prabhandham

Lord Sriman Narayana is the origin of four vedas. He created it and gave it to Brahmma to preserve, administer and spread it. Veda is a priceless possession and is eternal truth. 

There are four Vedas namely the Rig Veda, the Yajur Veda, the Sama Veda and the Atharvana veda. Vedas are in Sanskrit.
They are also known as sruthi

Nammazhwar composed and sang four prabhandhams namely Thiru Viruththam, Thiruvasiriyam, Peria Thiruvandhadhi and Thiruvaaimozhi reflecting Rig, Yajur, Atharvana and Sama veda. These Divya Prabhandhams got the name Dravida Veda Sagaram because they were in Tamil and essence of corresponding Sanskrit Veda

Thiruviruththam with 100 pasurams essence of Rig Veda is a message to emperuman from His Consort "Sri". Thiru mrans Sri or Lakshmi, Viruththam implies message

Thiruvasiriam with 7 pasurams, essence of Yajur Veda  describe the scene of Srimana Narayana lying on Adhisesha on Thiruparkadal ( Milky Ocean) 

In Peria Thiruvandhadhi with 87 pasurams, essence of Atharvana Veda, Nammazhwar dwells on the greatness and gloty of Sriman Narayana and instructs his mind to dwell on them.

THIRUVAIMOZHI with 1102 pasurams, essence of Sama Veda. All the 1102 Pasurams are presented as Thiruvaaimozhi group of 11 pasurams each. Ten such Thiruvaaimozhi pasurams are called a Paththu and there area total of  ten Paththu in entire Thiruvaaimozhi. Each paththu focuses on one Kalyana Gunam of Sriman Narayana.  

After Nammazhwar's ascendance to Paramapadam, the 

Nalyira Divya Prbhandham was lost and later when  

Nathamuni channter chanted "Kanninun Siruthambu" 12000 

times with devotion, Nammazhwar appeared before him and 

gave him not only Thiruvoimozhi but entire Divya 

Prabhandham sung by all Azhwars. 

After Nammazhwar's ascendance to Paramapadam, the 

Nalyira Divya Prbhandham was lost and later when 

Nathamuni channter chanted "Kanninun Siruthambu" 12000 

times with devotion, Nammazhwar appeared before him and 

gave him not only Thiruvoimozhi but entire Divya 

Prabhandham sung by all Azhwars.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Sri Vaishanava Guru Parampara - Acharya Thanian

Sri Vaishanava Guru Parampara
Acharya Thanian

Sri Vaishnav Guru Parampara starts with Lord Ranganatha and ends with Sri Manavala Mamunigal.  Here is a presentation of Thanians for each Acharya. Sri Manavala Mamunigal ( Also known as Varavara Munigal) had the unique distinction of  Lord Ranganatha listening to his vyakkyanam of Thiruvaaimozhi  but also getting the thanian composed by Lord Ranganatha and presented to him by coming in the form of a young lad.

Sarthy Thothadri Swmin maintains a Blog where he has presented the meanings of each of these Thanians ( https://guruparamparai.wordpress.com/thanians/) 

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Vanamamalai Jiyars

It was exactly a tear ago on Nov 26th, 2013, Adiyen had the fortune of having darshan of four Jiyars at one location, At Nanguneri, during the Thirunakshathiram of the then Vanamamalai Jiyar, who has reached the paramapadam since then. It was a real pleasure to have interaction with Jiyar and amazed to his versatality and converse on many topics. I just  remember that great event even today. I am sure the Mutt is continuing all his under the current Jiyar.

Here is a presentation on Ponnadikal Jiyar. Please visit

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Prathivathi Bhayankaram Anna

Prathivathi Bhayankaram Anna

If Bhagavath Ramanuja had a close sishya in Koorathazhwar, Manavala Mamunigal had a close associate in Prathivathi Baynkaram Anna.

Prathivathi Bayankaram Anna was born on Aadi Poosam in  Thiruthanka Divyadesam, presided over Lord Deepa Prakasar.

Anna's biggest contributions

1) Jeeyar Vazhi Thirunamam -Pathathi Kesa Prabhantham on Peria jeeyar

2)Composer of Sri Venkatesa Suprabatham, Prapatti, Stotram and Mangalam.

3) Thirumalai Thozhappra ordained him to perform Thirumanjana Karyam for Lord of the Seven Hills. He used to bring Water from Akasa Ganga and mix Pachi Karpooram, Ilaichi, lavangam etc and perform Thirumanjanam chanting the Kattiyam.

4) Prathivathi Bayankaram Anna got the title Vaishnava Dasan

5) His works include Commentaries for  Sri Bhashyam,  Sri Baghavatham, Ashtasloki,
Mangalasasana Stotras for Divya Desams and Varavaramuni Sathakam

Here is Presentation on Prathivathi Bhayankaram Anna

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Hayagriva Jayanthi August 10th , 2014

Hayagriva Jayanthi August 10th , 2014

Every Avatar of Sriman Narayana had  a specfic purpose. Hayagriva  (The Horse Faced God) had the sole purose of restoration of Vedas which was stolen by an Asura Madhu and Kitaba from Brahma. Hayagriva is considered to sagara of Gyana. There is famous sloka of Hayagriva, which says I worship Lord Hayagriva, who is embodiment of knowledge, who is pure as a pure crystal, and who is the basis of all knowledge. It is this Gnana sagara that holds Brahmma and Goddess Saraswathi. Sriman Narayana clad in blue with a human form and with a horse head(White) descended on earth to retrieve vedas from the Auras. 

    Gnanananda Mayam Devam Nirmala Spatika Kruthim                                                     Aadharam Sarva Vidyanam Hayagrivam Upasmahe

     This sloka is from Purana, is used by Sri Deskan in his beautiful Hayagriva stotram.  It is said that Peria Thiruvadi, Sri Garuda initiated Sri Vedantha Desikan into Haygriva Mantra. Sri Vedantha Desikan's Sanskrit poetry , style , rhyming are a clear evidence to the grace of Lord Haygriva.

Here is presentation of following slokas/ Stotrams/ Upanishad on lord Haygriva on the occasion of haygriva Jayatnthi. May Lord Hayagriva shower his grace on all.

     Please click on respective stotram to see the video.

Hayagriva Stuti : Composed by Sri vadhiraja Jyathi

Hayagriva Kavacham : As told by Lord Shiva to Goddess Parvathi

Sri Hayagriva Pancharam : 

Sri HayaGriva Ashtothra satha Nama Stotram:  Found in Parasara Puranam as part of Agasthya Narada Discussions

Hayagriva  Upanishad: Brahmma revaeled thie hayagriva Upanishad to Narada.

I offer above to Lord Hayagriva on his Jayajanthi. 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Stothra Ratnam by Alavandar

Stothra Ratnam by Alavandar

Aadi Uthradam  is a very significant day in the lives of Srivaishanava community, being the Thirunakshathiram day of a great Purvacharya, namely Alavanadhar also known as Yamunacharya. He was not only the grandson of Sri Nathamunigal, but also Acharya who spotted Bhagvath Ramanuja and groomed him by providing guidance through five Acharyas namely Mahapurna, Ghosti Purna, Shailapurna, Maladhara and Vararanga.

If Natha Munigal planted the saplings for Visishtadwaitham, Alavandhar watered and nurtured it and found a great leader in Bhagavath Ramanuja who took greater care by establishing Visihtathdwatham  and spreading it.

Yamunacharya composed Stothra Ratnam incorporating Visishstadwaitham Principles in it 

Stothra Ratnam is one biggest asset for all Acharyas  that followed Alavandhar to base their respective works. Alavandhar was a great Philosopher and guide to entire Srivaishanva community that followed him.

Stothra Ratnam has 65 verses reflecting the total number of Aksharams of Rahasya Thrayam. ( Thiru manthram (8), Dvayam (25) and Charam Slokam (32))

Here is an attempt to provide an overview of 
Stothra Ratnam and presentation of Stothram in video form