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Showing posts with label navagraha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label navagraha. Show all posts

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Ratha Saptami and Suryopanishad

Ratha Saptami and Suryopanishad

Ratha Saptami( रथसप्तमी) falls on seventh day in Sukla Paksha of Maagha (Thai) Month. This year it is 8th Feb 2022. This is the day Sun God travelling on his chariott drawn by seven horses towards Northeast direction, This is also is Surya Jayanthi as Surya was born on this day to Kasyapa Muni and Atithi.

In most of the Divya Desams Ratha Saptami is celebrated with deity taken around the streets in Suraya Prabha vahanam.
In Thirumala, it is celebrated as a mini Brammotsavam. The presiding deity, Lord Malayappa Swamy along with his divine consorts Sridevi and Bhudevi are taken to a procession Mada streets in Tirumala. The deities carried out in a procession encircling the temple on seven different vahanams .The seven Vahanams include
1) Surya Prabha
2)Chinna Sesha Vahanam
3) Garuda Vahanam
4) Hanumatha Vahanam
5) Chakrasanam
6) Kalpavriksha Vahanam
7)Chandra Prabha Vahanamm
Surya Upanishad is the Atharvaveda mantra for the Sun. Brahma is the source of the Surya mantra. Sriman Narayana seed of this mantra. This Upanishad helps in attaining dharma, Artha, Gyana and moksha, the goals of Human life.

TTD SVBC broadcast this today.