Thiruppavai Pasuram 5
Mayanai Mannu Vada Madurai Maindanai
As Lord Rama’s cornation time, fixed by knowledgeable Rishi Vasishta met with obstacles, a Gopika raises doubts on how they are going to complete the 30 day Nonbu without any obstacles. Andal in this pasuram says if the Gopikas worship Lord Krishna with physical and mental purity and offer fresh flowers and sing His glory, the effect of past and current sins that create the obstacles to the nonbu, would vanish like a straw in fire.
She addresses Lord Krishna as Maayon ( performer of many leelas), identifies him as resident of his chosen place Mathura, and who was associated with river yamuna since birth, the star born to make the Aayaar kulam to shine, Damaodara( bound in waist by a rope) and who brought fame to mother yashodha.
Andal says if Gopikas reach out to Lord Krishna with loud singing and at the same time contemplating on him alone, their troubles would vanish. In this pasuram Andal’s focus is on Lord Krishana in Vibhava Avatar.