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Friday, July 23, 2021

Sri Lalitha Sahasranama Stothram

 Sri Lalitha Sahasranama Stothram

The Lalitha Sahasrama a stothram is part of Brahmanda puranam arising out of a coversation between Lord Hayagriva and Sage Agastya comprised of 320 with 87 slokas in the Purvabhaga, the Madhyabhaga of 183 slokas called the Sri Laltha Sahasranamam enlisting 100 names of Sri Lalithambika and 87 Slokas known as Uttara bhagam consists of Phalasruthi. 

Sri Laltha Sahasranamam consits of 

1) Dyanam 4 slokas

2) Inoduction 3 Slokas

4) Keshadhi Pada Varnana 4-21

5) Sri Nagara Varnanam 22-23

6) Bhandasura Vadhaam 24-33

7) Mantra Rupam 34-40

8) Baktha Anugraham  41-43

9) Nirguna Upasana 44-50

10) Sagunopasana 51-60

11) Pancha Brahma Svrupah 61-75

12) Kshetra Kshetragnya Rupah 76-80

13) Peedaani Anga Devatah 81-97

14)  Yogini Nyasah 98-109

15) Vibhuthi Vistarah 110-180

16) Sivasakthyai Rupah 181-183