Acharyas Represent Ramanauja's Avayavangal
Ramanuja Avayava Prabhava Slokam
There are eight slokams. Let us focus on one slokam every day.
This slokam connects each Purva Acharya starting with Nammazhwar to Pillai Urangavilli Dasar and identifies them as each angam or part of Bhagavth Ramanuja..
It is Nammazhwar who created Bhavisshyadacharya Vigraham by boiling water taken from Tamirabharani river and hander it over to Sri Nathamunigal, the first Acharya after Nammazhwar and this was passed on to successive Acharyas till it was installed in the current location in Thirukuugoor by Acharyan of Sri Manvala Mamunigal.
Nammazhwar announced to the world the oncoming of a great Jagathguru, Bhagavath Ramanuja by creating a symbolic Bhavishyadacharya Vigraha and blessed him with his Lotus feet. So Bhagavath Ramanuja's head is symbolic of Nammmazhwar's Lotus feet. To bless Bhagavth Ramanuja in his great mission of establishing and spreading Visishtadwatham each succesive Acharya had a contribution and blessing to Bhgavath Ramanuja and has been identified with one Angam of Bhagavth Ramanuja. Starting with Alavandhar's five sishyas ( Ramanuja's five gurus) had a direct one to one relationship with Bhagavath Ramanuja's spiritual journey and acquistion of Knowledge.