Madhurakavi Azhwar's Kanninun Siruthambu

KANNINUN SIRUTHAMBU was composed by Madhurakavi Azhwar to not only to extol the greatness of Sri Satakopan (Nammazhwar) and Thiruvaaimozhi Pasurams but also to express
his Acharya Bakthi towards Nammazhwar and his faith and confidence that Nammazhwar would bless him and take care of his interests. While other Azhwars were running around Divya Desams
performing Mangalasasanams, Madurakavi Azhwar chose to focus on Nammazhwar only.
Madhurakavi Azhwar allocates just one pasuram for the great affection of Sri Krishna for his adopted mother Yasodha. Just to please her he gets himself tied by a small knot and stays there. He calls out திருக்குரு கூர்நம்பி nine times in the remaining ten pasurams showing his utmost belief in his Acharya Nammazhwar and treats him as his God.
Centuries later, Sri Nathamunigal by reciting 11 pasurams of KANNINUN SIRUTHAMBU 12000 times got all the 4000 pasurams directly from Nammazhwar. The entire Srivaishnava community benefitted from this act of Sri Nathamuni. These 10 pasurams are added to Mudalaiyram and is part of Nithyanusandham.
No wonder Sri Nathamunigal added the following thanian for Madhurakavi Azhvar
அவிதித விஷயாந்தரசடாரே:
அபிசகுணவசாத் ததேகசேஷி
மதுரகவிர் ஹ்ருதயே மமாவிரஸ்து
Madhurakavi Azhwars's Acharya Bakthi is a role model for all to follow to demonstrate Acharya Bakthi. All of us need to develop strong faith and have confidence that Acharaya Sri Bhagavat Sri Ramanuja will bless every one.
Please click here to listen. Kanninun Siruthambu