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Friday, January 9, 2015

Maale Manivanna மாலே மணிவண்ணா மார்கழிநீ ராடுவான்

Maale Manivanna 
மாலே மணிவண்ணா மார்கழிநீ ராடுவான்

Andal in this pasuram lists their long list of requirements from Lord Krishna for their Nonbu.

Andal describes Lord Krishna as "மாலே" implying one with infinite, care and affection for His devotees. Andal says that Lord Krishna  glows with  fascinating blue colour of Saphire and as one who was lying on the banyan leaf calmly during deluge (pralayam) and prays for His grace.
As for as accessories that she sought from Lord Krishna for the Nonbu includes

1) Conch similar to the milky white Sangu that he wields and which emanates sound that makes the entire Universe tremble 
2) very Big drum(பறை)
3) Ghoshti that can recite Pallandu
4) Lighted  Lamps that that spread auspiciousness
5) His Flag
6) His canopy 

Most important request was that Anda wanted Lord Krishna to bless the Gopikas to follow all traditions That have been followed by Purvacharyas and elders. 

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