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Sunday, August 3, 2014

Thiru Nandhipura Vinnagara Jagannnathan

Thiru Nandhipura Vinnagara Jagannnathan

This is the 16th of the 108 Divyadesams located near Kumbakonam. Lord Jagannathan gave the title "Nandhipura Vinnagaram" in Honor of Nandhi after relieving of his curse.

Lord Jagannathan was seated east faced to begin with but changed his stance to west facing in order to bless Mahalakshmi (Thiru), who was performing a tapa east facing and also bless King Sibi, who had offered his flesh to bring justice to pigeon.

Mahalakshmi did penanace with a goal to get a permanent seat on Vaikundanathan. He came and settled in Nandipura Vinnagaram and blessed Thiru on Aippasi sukla paksh Friday and gave her a best possible position near his heart.

Here is presentation on Lord Jagannathan in the form of a song followed by a pasuram from Nottrettu Thiruppathi Andhadhi by Thiruvarangaththamudhanar on
Nathan Kovil

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