Azhwargal Thanian
Azhwars were born as direct grace of Lord Sriman Narayana and they immersed themselves in understanding the Kalyana Gunams and apara Mahimai of Lord Sriman Narayana and composed pasurams in praise of Lord Sriman Narayana and these pasurams are known as Divya Prabhandham They are also known as Dravida Veda Sagaram as they are reflections of Veda in Tamil Language Each of the Alwars is an amsam of Lord Sriman Narayana an Ayudham weilded by Him, Abaharana on His thirumeni and Nithya suri in Paramapadam
Azhwars born as amasam of Sriman Narayana's weapons.
Poigai Azhwar : Panchajanya (Conch)
BhoothathAzhwar : Kaumodakee (Mace)
PeyAzhwar : Nandaka (Sword)
Thirumalisai Azhwar : Sudarshanam (Discus)
Thirumangai Azhwar : Saranga (Rama's bow)
Azhwars born as amasam of Sriman Narayana's Abharanams (Ornament).
Thondaradippodi Azhwar : Vanamaalai (Sri Vaijayanthi Garland)
Thiruppaan Azhwar : Srivatsa (mark on chest)
King Kulasekhara Azhwar : Kaustubha (Necklace)
Azhwars born as amsam of Nithyasuri serving Lord Sriman Narayana
Madhurakavi Azhwar : Vainatheya (Garuda)
PeriyAzhwar : Garuda (Eagle)
NammAzhwar : Vishvaksena (commander)
Andal was amsam of Sri Bhoodevi.
Here is a presentation of Thanaians on Azhwars
Sarthy Thothadri Swmin maintains a Blog where he has presented the meanings of each of these Thanians (
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