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Saturday, April 9, 2016

நெஞ்சே தினம் நினைப்போம் இராமானுசன் நாமங்களே (387 days to 1000th Birth Anniversary of Bhagavath Ramanuja) Ramanuja Nootrandhadhi (39 of 108)

நெஞ்சே தினம் நினைப்போம்  
இராமானுசன் நாமங்களே
रामानुजस्य चरणौ शरणं प्रपद्ये 
(387 days to celebrate 1000th year of Bhagavat Ramanuja)

Let us begin our journey towards 1st May 2017, by recalling his life events, teachings, achievements, glory and hsi contribution to Srivaishavam and Visishtadwaitham

9th April 2016 

When any one wants to know about a guru, he needs to be introduced by someone who had greater understanding about his work, teachings, glory etc. We are going to learn about Bhagavath Ramanuja's greatness, divine qualities, His reverence for Acharyas' as well as their works and contributions, His respects for Azhwars and their Arulichyals through Ramanuja Nootrandhadhi composed by Koil Peria Nambi ( Thiruvarangaththamudhanar)

To know about Peria Koil Nambi (Amudhanar) please visit http://srimannarayana108.blogspot.com/2016/03/peria-koil-nambi-thiruvarangaththamudha.html

Let us dwell on the Thirty-Nineth Pasuram of Ramanuja Nootrandhdhi.

In this pasuram, Amudhanar expresses his gratititude to Bhagavath Ramanuja for having blessed him and kept him under his fold. Amudhanar says Bhagavath Ramanuja  removed the darkness of always seeking worldly pleasures such as wealth, land, wife, children as well as sufferings and karmic sins and led him to the brighter side of understanding Bhagavath Ramanuja's greatness and gave the opportunity to sing his glory. Amudhanar wonders if any one else is more fortunate than himself to enjoy this status.

Friday, April 8, 2016

நெஞ்சே தினம் நினைப்போம் இராமானுசன் நாமங்களே (386 days to 1000th Birth Anniversary of Bhagavath Ramanuja) Ramanuja Nootrandhadhi (40 of 108)

நெஞ்சே தினம் நினைப்போம்  
இராமானுசன் நாமங்களே
रामानुजस्य चरणौ शरणं प्रपद्ये 
(386 days to celebrate 1000th year of Bhagavat Ramanuja)

Let us begin our journey towards 1st May 2017, by recalling his life events, teachings, achievements, glory and hsi contribution to Srivaishavam and Visishtadwaitham

10th April 2016 

When any one wants to know about a guru, he needs to be introduced by someone who had greater understanding about his work, teachings, glory etc. We are going to learn about Bhagavath Ramanuja's greatness, divine qualities, His reverence for Acharyas' as well as their works and contributions, His respects for Azhwars and their Arulichyals through Ramanuja Nootrandhadhi composed by Koil Peria Nambi ( Thiruvarangaththamudhanar)

To know about Peria Koil Nambi (Amudhanar) please visit http://srimannarayana108.blogspot.com/2016/03/peria-koil-nambi-thiruvarangaththamudha.html

Let us dwell on the Forthth Pasuram of Ramanuja Nootrandhdhi.

In this pasuram, Amudhanar declares that Bhagavath Ramanuja, who posseses similar auspicious qualities of Vamana, blesses his devotees with his teachings without their request. Amudhanar says that leaned pundits say Moksha , Artha, Dharma and Kama are the essential goals of life. However Bhagavth Ramanuja preaches that Kama(desire) for union with Lord Krishna is the most important and appropriate Purushartha. The other three Moksha, Artha and Dharma are sesha(subserve) to Bhagavth Kamam. The Phrase "கண்ணனுக்கே ஆமது" indicates that desire should be only for union with God and worldly pursuits.

நெஞ்சே தினம் நினைப்போம் இராமானுசன் நாமங்களே (388 days to 1000th Birth Anniversary of Bhagavath Ramanuja) Ramanuja Nootrandhadhi (38 of 108)

நெஞ்சே தினம் நினைப்போம்  
இராமானுசன் நாமங்களே
रामानुजस्य चरणौ शरणं प्रपद्ये 
(388 days to celebrate 1000th year of Bhagavat Ramanuja)

Let us begin our journey towards 1st May 2017, by recalling his life events, teachings, achievements, glory and hsi contribution to Srivaishavam and Visishtadwaitham

8th April 2016 

When any one wants to know about a guru, he needs to be introduced by someone who had greater understanding about his work, teachings, glory etc. We are going to learn about Bhagavath Ramanuja's greatness, divine qualities, His reverence for Acharyas' as well as their works and contributions, His respects for Azhwars and their Arulichyals through Ramanuja Nootrandhadhi composed by Koil Peria Nambi ( Thiruvarangaththamudhanar)

To know about Peria Koil Nambi (Amudhanar) please visit http://srimannarayana108.blogspot.com/2016/03/peria-koil-nambi-thiruvarangaththamudha.html

Let us dwell on the Thirty-Eighth Pasuram of Ramanuja Nootrandhdhi.

In this Pasuram Amudhanar says that Bhagavath Ramanuja, out his infinite compassion, has taken Amudhanar filled with so much ego all these days and made him a devotee of some substance. Amudhanar wonders why Bhagavath Ramanuja let so many years pass by  making him loiter in wilderness and bad company and thoughts. Amudhanar says "Oh Ramanuja you revel and enjoy the company of Koorathazhwan, Parasara Bhattar etc. Please let me know what prevented you from delaying the action of bringing me in to your fold?"

Thursday, April 7, 2016

நெஞ்சே தினம் நினைப்போம் இராமானுசன் நாமங்களே (389 days to 1000th Birth Anniversary of Bhagavath Ramanuja) Ramanuja Nootrandhadhi (37 of 108)

நெஞ்சே தினம் நினைப்போம்  
இராமானுசன் நாமங்களே
रामानुजस्य चरणौ शरणं प्रपद्ये 
(389 days to celebrate 1000th year of Bhagavat Ramanuja)

Let us begin our journey towards 1st May 2017, by recalling his life events, teachings, achievements, glory and hsi contribution to Srivaishavam and Visishtadwaitham

7th April 2016 

When any one wants to know about a guru, he needs to be introduced by someone who had greater understanding about his work, teachings, glory etc. We are going to learn about Bhagavath Ramanuja's greatness, divine qualities, His reverence for Acharyas' as well as their works and contributions, His respects for Azhwars and their Arulichyals through Ramanuja Nootrandhadhi composed by Koil Peria Nambi ( Thiruvarangaththamudhanar)

To know about Peria Koil Nambi (Amudhanar) please visit http://srimannarayana108.blogspot.com/2016/03/peria-koil-nambi-thiruvarangaththamudha.html

Let us dwell on the Thirty-Seventh Pasuram of Ramanuja Nootrandhdhi.

In this pasuram, Amudhanar pays his gratitude to Koorththazhwar and Parasara Bhattar were instrumental in taking him closer  to Bhagavath Ramanuja, who was totally immersed in great epic and world famous Ramanyana, after he learnt it from his maternal uncle and Guru Srisaila Purnar. Amudhanar says that Bhagavath Ramanuja had lots of devotion to Ramayana Kavyam and Bhagavath Ramanuja had kept Ramayana in high pedastal  in his heart.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

நெஞ்சே தினம் நினைப்போம் இராமானுசன் நாமங்களே (390 days to 1000th Birth Anniversary of Bhagavath Ramanuja) Ramanuja Nootrandhadhi (36 of 108)

நெஞ்சே தினம் நினைப்போம்  
இராமானுசன் நாமங்களே
रामानुजस्य चरणौ शरणं प्रपद्ये 
(390 days to celebrate 1000th year of Bhagavat Ramanuja)

Let us begin our journey towards 1st May 2017, by recalling his life events, teachings, achievements, glory and hsi contribution to Srivaishavam and Visishtadwaitham

6th April 2016 

When any one wants to know about a guru, he needs to be introduced by someone who had greater understanding about his work, teachings, glory etc. We are going to learn about Bhagavath Ramanuja's greatness, divine qualities, His reverence for Acharyas' as well as their works and contributions, His respects for Azhwars and their Arulichyals through Ramanuja Nootrandhadhi composed by Koil Peria Nambi ( Thiruvarangaththamudhanar)

To know about Peria Koil Nambi (Amudhanar) please visit http://srimannarayana108.blogspot.com/2016/03/peria-koil-nambi-thiruvarangaththamudha.html

Let us dwell on the Thirty-sixth Pasuram of Ramanuja Nootrandhdhi.

In this pasuram, Amudhanar points to Bhagavath Ramanuja's Bhagavad Gita Bashyam. Amudhanar says that Lord Krishna( wielder of powerful Chakraudham capable of destroying enemies) and also Lord of all souls, gave a discourse to Arjuna during Mahabharata war, in the form of Bhagavad Gita , essence of all vedas. Amudhanar says that  Bhagavath Ramanuja absorbed the inner meanings of Bhagavad Gita and provided his own interpretation of Bhagavat Gita to the world in the form of Gita Bashyam. That showed Bhagavath Ramanuja's selfless nature of service to humanity.

A Strange Dream about Bhagavath Ramanuja

A Strange Dream about Bhagavath Ramanuja

An old posting from July 29th 2012 in FB group.Kichitkaram Trust

ஸ்ரீமதே ராமானுஜாய நம:

பகவத் கிருபையால் இம்முறை இந்தியா சென்ற போது ஸ்ரீமத் பகவத் இராமனுசர் பகவத் கைங்கர்யம் செய்த திரு கோயில்கள் ஆன திருவரங்கம், திருவேங்கடம் ,காஞ்சீவரம்,திருநாராயணபுரம் செல்லும் பாக்கியம் பெற்றேன். அந்த அனுபவத்தை பகிர்ந்து கொள்கிறேன். அந்த கோயில்களில் சந்தித்த பட்டர்களும் வேத விற்பன்னர்களும் இராமானுசரை பற்றி சொன்ன விஷயங்களில் சிலவற்றை கிழே காணலாம்.தவறுகள் இருந்தால் முற்றிலும் என்னுடைய கிரகிக்கும் சக்தியின் விளைவுகளே.

இந்தியா புறப்படுவதற்கு முன்தான் இராமானுச நூற்றந்தாதி சந்தை சொல்ல கற்றுக்கொண்டு இருந்தேன். முன்கூட்டியே திட்டமிட்டு மேற்கொண்ட பிரயாணம் இல்லை. ஆனால் இந்த அளவு நடக்கும் என்று துளி அளவும் நினைக்கவில்லை. எல்லாம் பகவான் கிருபைதான்.

பின் குறிப்பு : சிகாகோ வந்து சேர்ந்த பின் ஒரு நாள் கனவில் மிகவும் அதிசயமான நிகழ்ச்சி ஒன்று நடந்தது. கனவில் உயர்திரு வேளுக்குடி கிருஷ்ணன்
அவர்கள் வேத விற்பன்னர்கள், பக்த கோடிகள் சூழ இராமானுசரை( உத்சவர்) எள பண்ணிக்கொண்டு கால் நடையாக ஸ்ரீரங்கத்தில் இருந்து திருகோவிலூர்
வரை சென்று, இராமானுசரை கோவில் உச்சி மேல் எளப்பண்ணி, உயர்திரு வேளுக்குடி கிருஷ்ணனோடு கூடி இருந்த பல் லக்ஷம் பக்தர்கள்
"ஓம் நமோ நாராயணாய" என்று கோஷமிட கேட்டேன். ஸ்ரீரங்கத்தில் இருந்து திருகோட்டியூர் போகும் வழியில் பல ஊர்களில் நின்று தங்கி இராமனுசருக்கு
திருமஞ்சனம் செய்து, ஆயிரம் கணக்கான ஏழை எளியோருக்கு அன்னதானம் நடக்க கண்டேன். இந்த கனவு மாறி மாறி இரண்டு நாட்கள் வந்தது.
இரண்டாம் கனவில் உயர்திரு வேளுக்குடி கிருஷ்ணன் இந்த ஏற்பாடு வருடம்  தோறும் நடக்கும் என்று அறிவித்தார். ஸ்ரீரங்கத்தில் இருந்து திருகோவிலூர்
போகும் வழியில் எல்லாம் வேத கோஷங்களும், திவ்ய பிரபந்த கிரமமாக ஒலித்து கொண்டே இருந்தது. இந்த கனவின் அர்த்தம் புரியவில்லை. இது
நிஜத்தில் நடக்குமா என்பது தெரியாது. கனவு மிகவும் தெளிவாக இருந்தது. விசித்திரமான கனவு!!!

Hope this dream comes true in May 2017 around Chithirai Thiruvathirai day.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

நெஞ்சே தினம் நினைப்போம் இராமானுசன் நாமங்களே (391 days to 1000th Birth Anniversary of Bhagavath Ramanuja) Ramanuja Nootrandhadhi (35 of 108)

நெஞ்சே தினம் நினைப்போம்  
இராமானுசன் நாமங்களே
रामानुजस्य चरणौ शरणं प्रपद्ये 
(391 days to celebrate 1000th year of Bhagavat Ramanuja)

Let us begin our journey towards 1st May 2017, by recalling his life events, teachings, achievements, glory and hsi contribution to Srivaishavam and Visishtadwaitham

5th April 2016 

When any one wants to know about a guru, he needs to be introduced by someone who had greater understanding about his work, teachings, glory etc. We are going to learn about Bhagavath Ramanuja's greatness, divine qualities, His reverence for Acharyas' as well as their works and contributions, His respects for Azhwars and their Arulichyals through Ramanuja Nootrandhadhi composed by Koil Peria Nambi ( Thiruvarangaththamudhanar)

To know about Peria Koil Nambi (Amudhanar) please visit http://srimannarayana108.blogspot.com/2016/03/peria-koil-nambi-thiruvarangaththamudha.html

Let us dwell on the Thirty-fifth Pasuram of Ramanuja Nootrandhdhi.

In this pasuramAmudhanar takes certain vows. Amudhanar would not seek any other God. Amudhanar would not stoop down to sing the glory of lowly human beings and composing poems praising them, just as,  other poets do.  He would not forget the lotus feet of Bhaghavath Ramanuja who gets thrilled by mere utterance of the word "Thiruvarangam". Amudhanar says it is impossible for cruel sins to get attached to him henceforth, having implemented all the above vows.  Is Amudhanar advising other to to 

taking the same vows (first and third in 

the least) to escape cruel sins?

Monday, April 4, 2016

நெஞ்சே தினம் நினைப்போம் இராமானுசன் நாமங்களே (392 days to 1000th Birth Anniversary of Bhagavath Ramanuja) Ramanuja Nootrandhadhi (34 of 108)

நெஞ்சே தினம் நினைப்போம்  
இராமானுசன் நாமங்களே
रामानुजस्य चरणौ शरणं प्रपद्ये 
(392 days to celebrate 1000th year of Bhagavat Ramanuja)

Let us begin our journey towards 1st May 2017, by recalling his life events, teachings, achievements, glory and hsi contribution to Srivaishavam and Visishtadwaitham

4th April 2016 

When any one wants to know about a guru, he needs to be introduced by someone who had greater understanding about his work, teachings, glory etc. We are going to learn about Bhagavath Ramanuja's greatness, divine qualities, His reverence for Acharyas' as well as their works and contributions, His respects for Azhwars and their Arulichyals through Ramanuja Nootrandhadhi composed by Koil Peria Nambi ( Thiruvarangaththamudhanar)

To know about Peria Koil Nambi (Amudhanar) please visit http://srimannarayana108.blogspot.com/2016/03/peria-koil-nambi-thiruvarangaththamudha.html

Let us dwell on the Thirty-fourth Pasuram of Ramanuja Nootrandhdhi.

In this pasuram Amudhanar explains when Bhagavath Ramanuja's knowledge, Power and auspicious qualities got noticed by the world.  Amudhanar says that some may say that Bhagavath Ramanuja's greatness was noticed by the world, when the Kali purushan's torments of people of kali yuga was powerful then Bhagavath Ramanuja dispelled the darkness created by Kalipurushan. But that was not true according to Amudhanar. Amudhanar says Bhagavath Ramanuja's greatness shone much brighter when Bhagavath Ramanuja ensured Amudhanar's account on the book of sins maintained by Yama's assistants, was erased. This is because the weight of sins committed by Amudhanar were mightier than the torments of Kali Purusha effected on earth and its people.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

நெஞ்சே தினம் நினைப்போம் இராமானுசன் நாமங்களே (393 days to 1000th Birth Anniversary of Bhagavath Ramanuja) Ramanuja Nootrandhadhi (33 of 108)

நெஞ்சே தினம் நினைப்போம்  
இராமானுசன் நாமங்களே
रामानुजस्य चरणौ शरणं प्रपद्ये 
(393 days to celebrate 1000th year of Bhagavat Ramanuja)

Let us begin our journey towards 1st May 2017, by recalling his life events, teachings, achievements, glory and hsi contribution to Srivaishavam and Visishtadwaitham

3rd April 2016 

When any one wants to know about a guru, he needs to be introduced by someone who had greater understanding about his work, teachings, glory etc. We are going to learn about Bhagavath Ramanuja's greatness, divine qualities, His reverence for Acharyas' as well as their works and contributions, His respects for Azhwars and their Arulichyals through Ramanuja Nootrandhadhi composed by Koil Peria Nambi ( Thiruvarangaththamudhanar)

To know about Peria Koil Nambi (Amudhanar) please visit http://srimannarayana108.blogspot.com/2016/03/peria-koil-nambi-thiruvarangaththamudha.html

Let us dwell on the Thirty-Third Pasuram of Ramanuja Nootrandhdhi.

In this Pasuram, Amudhanar talks about the role of Panchayudhams (Five weapons) of Lord Srimama Narayana, the consort of Mahalakshmi seated on thick stemmed Lotus flower. Amudhanar says  Lord Sriman Narayana wields five weapons namely, Chakrayudham, Mace, Sword, Conch and Bow. The five weapons came together to stay by the side of Bhagavath Ramanuja as a support in his mission to establish visitadwaitham and win over other faiths.